We are Producing Natural Products

ASMI Hair Oil

We are Producing Natural Products

ASMI Face Oil

We are Producing Natural Products

ASMI Body Oil

Get to Know ASMI

ASMI The Natural Products

We’ve 30 years of experience.

Cosmetic products are applied to the skin , hair & various body parts to make them attractive ,smooth ,bright & enhance their appeal.
In around by markets there are many brands & products available for skin care & hair care.

  • There are many types of Oil

  • Very good result

What We’re Doing

Products We’re offering

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ASMI Hair Oil

100% natural chemical free oil

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ASMI Face Oil

100% natural chemical free oil

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ASMI Body Oil

100% natural chemical free oil

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ASMI Face Pack

100% natural chemical free

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ASMI Hair Pack

100% natural chemical free

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ASMI Poushtik Nyahari

100% natural chemical free

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ASMI Beard / Eyebrow Oil

100% natural chemical free oil

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ASMI Serum

100% natural chemical free oil

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ASMI Hair Shampoo

100% natural chemical free Shampoo

We’re Selling Natural Healthy Products

Unbeatable Chemical Free
and Natural Products

100% Pure Natural Oil

Natural Oil for Hair growth, face & Body

"ASMI" is totally different from it. It is chemical free , pure & natural brand. It gives you the best result as you have before. We are introducing Face oil , Body oil , Hair oil . It is homely extracted without chemical & pocket friendly than present brand in market.

  • Hair Growth

  • Face Glow

  • Body Oil

About ASMI

ASMI Company

Our mission is to provide honest & natural approach to beauty. Value & integrity are key components to our long term success. We strive to satisfy our customers by delivering honest , friendly , efficient customer service.

Our Mission

Our vision to become the first choice for skin & hair care product ,aiming to break into new market within & beyond country. Our products are totally chemical free , giving fast result to the customers. Our aim is to become the "Trusted Brand" in future.

Our Vision

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